Monday, April 9, 2007

Testing Terminology

This blog contains the terminology which is used in software industry .All these terminology which i am listing below is the result of the sessions that i am attending near Ashwin Palaparthi(founder and Principal architect ) ValueMinds.

1.TestLog:Capturing information and maintainng in the information in the form of notes
is called as testlog.
* Maintaing a testlog helps a test engineer not to loose the vital information .

.Mistake:When an incorrect result occurs through human interaction it is a mistake.

.Error: When mistake happens it leads to an error.

Outward manifestation of an error is a fault.
if a particular error is hit then its a fault

:It is a deviation of software from its expected delivery or service.

Tester finds the defect.

Defect accepted by the developer is called as bug.

.EULA(End user License agreement):A software license agreement is a memorandum of contract between a producer and a user of computer software which grants the user a software license

9.Third Party Testing:
When validation and verification processes are done independently it is termed as Third Party Testing.
* There are many companies which do third party testing Applabs is one such company.

A statement or proposition that seems self-contradictory or absurd but in
reality expresses a possible truth.
*In Testing the bug fixing activity is paradoxical.explanation

11.Mutation Testing
:Mutation testing is based upon seeding the implementation with a fault (mutating it), by applying a mutation operator, and determining whether testing identifies this fault. A mutated program is called a mutant and if a test case distinguishes between the mutant and the original program it is said to kill the mutant. The idea behind mutation testing is quite simple: given an appropriate set of mutation operators, if a test set kills the mutants generated by these operators then, since it is able to find these small differences, it is likely to be good at finding real faults.

.Defect Seeding:Defect seeding is a practice in which defects are intentionally inserted into a program by one group for detection by another group. The ratio of the number of seeded defects detected to the total number of defects seeded provides a rough idea of the total number of unseeded defects that have been detected.

13.Bebugging:Test Engineer release the build with some known bugs is called bebugging.

:Injection is of two types.
Bug Injection:when a bug is injected in an application or a program it is bug injection.
Code Injection:A technique in computer science for exploiting vulnerabilities
in computer programs due to erroneous assumption by designers.

The time when a bug is detected in the application.

16.Defect Clustering:Identifying the density of bugs in a particular module is termed
as defect clustering

17.Risk:Risk is a concept that denotes a potential negative impact to an asset or some characteristic of value that may arise from some present process or future event

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